Saturday 9 May 2015

Sequencing The Hungry Caterpillar story

The Hungry Caterpillar is such a great story for sequencing -days of the week, life cycle of the butterfly and the increasing number of  food items the caterpillar munches through. To encourage sequencing skills we make a giant caterpillar using cheap paper lampshades which are painted green and red, by the children.

We then add the days of the week in order along its body. From each day of the week we hang each of the food items. (made by myself from felt ) This is the website I printed the days of the week from.
Days of the week labels  backed onto card and laminated.

The children love to stand below it and retell the story using the props hanging above their heads.

One of our crafts to compliment The Hungry Caterpillar story we have been reading in nursery, was for the children to print their own caterpillar. We used sponge daubers like this  amazon -sponge daubers with ready mixed green and red paint.

The children then added legs and faces with black paint using paint brushes.

Saturday 2 May 2015

The Hungry Caterpillar

This half term our Topic is Minibeasts. A favourite with both children and adults alike. We began our topic with The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

The children love how the tiny caterpillar becomes fatter, then changes into a beautiful butterfly. The story lends itself to lots of sequencing, counting and language work. To compliment our Minibeast topic we have ordered pots of tiny caterpillars from this company over the last few years-Insect Lore  and  released many beautiful butterflies into our Nursery garden.
Our caterpillars are wrapped safely in their cocoons and we are waiting patiently (as patiently as 3 year olds can be) for our new butterflies.